Age inclusivity




Providing services across Solihull & Warwick

Seniors Helping Seniors home care services brighten the lives of seniors who can benefit from a helping hand and a friendly smile. Our caregivers, who are seniors themselves, make life easier by providing compassionate care in the comfort of your home.

Our home care services help seniors to continue to live independent lives by taking care of day-to-day tasks that become challenging.  As health and personal requirements change, we’re here to assist in the ways you find most helpful.

A home care business working for and with the senior generation

At Seniors Helping Seniors we are proud to be a leader in promoting age inclusivity for those working with us.

You don’t have to look too far, or google Age inclusivity deep, to see that older workers can feel very disadvantaged when it comes to recruitment for new jobs / careers in later life. There often seems to be a race to reach the fresh and youthful talent out there. Don’t get us wrong, the youth of today help drive us towards tomorrow. However, it left us thinking, what about all that amazing talent out there that is experienced, has years of knowledge and rather than being a bit raw is instead, shall we say, rather refined. We found our answers in the Seniors Helping Seniors brand!

The UK is currently undergoing a significant age shift. In less than 20 years, one in four people will be over 65. Predictions also suggest that by 2030, nearly half the UK’s adult population will be over 50. Rather than see this as a problem or an issue to resolve, we see it as a massive opportunity in delivering superior home care services. Doesn’t it make sense that older people could in turn help less able older people to live a happy and independent life? We certainly think so. It’s in our name, it’s in our DNA and it’s what sets us apart in this sector.

We absolutely love being an advocate for older people still wishing to be in the UK workforce. For us, “seniors” isn’t so much a number, but rather implies mature, life-experienced, dedicated people that still have plenty to offer. You might be seeking a career change, you might not be ready for retirement, you might even be looking for ways to ease into semi-retirement. Or you might just want a way to keep active, maintain purpose, try something different and give something back. If this is you, Seniors Helping Seniors would love to hear from you.


Being an age inclusive employer means:

  • We create an incredible team of people that are knowledgeable, reliable, and productive
  • We create a team of people that can benefit younger workers through knowledge transfer
  • We have a team of amazing carers that can truly relate to those they are caring for
  • We can help people who want to stay in work for longer
  • We have a positive impact on the local community and economy


Age inclusivity

Flexible Work to Compliment An Age Inclusive Approach

When work is made suitable, desirable, and flexible, it offers people the opportunity to work for as long as they want to. The work we offer is flexible and can be tailored to work to your own lifestyle. You tell us your availability, what and where you are willing to work and we’ll aim to match you to our clients on that basis. Obviously, the more flexible you are, the greater opportunity we have to find you consistent work, but ultimately the control remains with you. We believe this approach compliments our commitment to age inclusivity as we recognise it is a key requirement for many older workers.

We manage everything between carer and client including schedules, pay and invoicing. Seniors Helping Seniors has award winning customer service and outstanding reviews.

Enquiry Form

Please fill in the form below and a member of our Team will get in touch as soon as possible.

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